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Number One Knockout White Bracelet
Paparazzi Debonair Dazzle White Earrings
Paparazzi ENCORE EXCLUSIVE 2020 - Miss YOU-niverse - Black Gem - White Rhinestones - Necklace & Earrings
Paparazzi ENCORE EXCLUSIVE 2020 Winter Ice - White Rhinestones - Earrings
Paparazzi ENCORE EXCLUSIVE 2020 Work, Play, and Slay - Black - Gunmetal Infinity Charms - Necklace and Earrings
Paparazzi Razzle Dazzle - White Rhinestones - Silver Necklace and matching Earrings - ENCORE EXCLUSIVE 2020
Paparazzi Too Many Chiefs - Blue - Necklace and Matching Earrings - 2019 Encore Exclusive